Business Development.
„Hoping for change without actively doing something about it is like waiting at the train station for a ship to come in.“ – Albert Einstein

Business development is exploring future options and making your business resilient.
It includes opportunity and risk management as well as idea generation and modelling.
Business development is the process of creating and implementing strategies to secure the future success of your business.
„It is not about predicting the future, but about being prepared for the future.“ – Perikles
Could anyone have predicted the events of the past five years?
The world is moving faster, the future is increasingly unpredictable and events unfolding thousands of miles away could have a devastating impact on your business.
Often, an external perspective and looking at things from a different angle help in developing the right strategy, facing the challenges of the future, and succeeding in an unpredictable environment.
This applies to all phases of a business, which is why we work in all stages of a company’s life-cycle from startup through growth and maturity to realignment and succession.
We provide hands-on support and we implement the concepts and strategies we help to create.

„There are no innate ideas; all our ideas come from experience.“ – John Locke

SHELDONCONSULT was founded in 2018 by Martin C. Sheldon.
Martin has held senior management positions and worked in Business Development for the most part of his 30+ year career. His experience is the backbone of the company. He has turned ideas into businesses, restructured failing organizations, helped firms enter new markets, build strategic alliances, anticipate change, drive innovation, improve their competitive position and secure their future.
National. International. Global. Martin has worked in more than 30 countries in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East and the Americas.
„We cannot change the wind, but we can adjust the sails.“ – Aristoteles
We focus on the areas that impact a company’s resilience and determine its success:
- Identifying business opportunities
- Optimizing business models
- Carving out spin-offs and creating Joint Ventures
- Addressing skills shortage
- Innovation and developing new services
- Risk management in a global context
- Coaching, e.g. intercultural teamwork
- Succession planning
SHELDONCONSULT is shareholder of various innovative, technology driven startups and always open for seed investment opportunities.

Beteiligung | Beratung GmbH
Schulstr. 11
65326 Aarbergen
Martin C. Sheldon
SHELDONCONSULT adheres to the principles of the United Nations Global Compact.